Take this quiz and see how well u know me

There are very few people that know me, but u may be surprised after u take this test. Take it and find out. Who knows we may become good friends, but i can't tell u that, take the test.

Damn, i need to find someone that knows sumthin about me, or i'm gonna be pissed, take this and see if we could be acquantinces, u never know what might happen.

Created by: Dan
  1. What's My Favorite Pitt College Basketball Player
  2. What is my Favorite Movie?
  3. What is My B-Day
  4. Who is my Favorite Hockey Player
  5. What is my Favorite Car
  6. How old am i going to be
  7. What is my favorite Song
  8. What is my favorite color
  9. How tall am i
  10. Which of these names is a real name for my dog?

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