TAKE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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You ready to take the test that I created at 11:50 PM , Probubly a bad idea, sorry for any typos hopefully you enjoy the quiz I created very late at night

There has to be 2 paragraphs and 150 words in each para graph so just saying my name is Alex and I am a girl, I am not gonna tell you anything else about me

Created by: Alex

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. If you would be able to be the (sorta , don't forget the oompa lomas ) first to try bran new gum , what would you say
  2. If you could turn into anything , what would it be
  3. After you have blown up as a blueberry (no matter the last ?) what would you say
  4. Who do you want to look like as a blueberry
  5. Which phrase of the blueberry inflation do you like best
  6. Which personality fits you best
  7. If you where to date any of the 5 winners who would it be
  8. If you to chose how heavy and blueberry like you get what would it be
  9. What is your age
  10. Are you athletic

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