Survival: Rugged Wilderness

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Welcome fellow GoToQuizzers! To the Survival quiz taking place in the rugged wilderness of the smoky mountains. This is a role play quiz, so be ready for some reading!

This quiz will test every aspect of your survival capability's, mental and physical. Be prepared! Please have lots of fun on this quiz too!!!

Created by: jmdvorkin
  1. You are taking a trip to the Smoky Mountains, and decide to go outdoors for a while. You wonder around the woods for a while, then realize you are lost. You only have your canteen, a lighter, some beef jerky, and rope. What do you do?
  2. You see a small clearing to your right, that looks like perfect shelter. To your left, you see a small stream of muddy water. Which do you choose?
  3. You suddenly see a fox enter the clearing, then go inside it's den. Do you change your mind?
  4. Your stomach give a huge rumble. You still have your beef jerky, but are not sure how long it is going to last. What do you do?
  5. The beef makes you thirsty. (if you chose to eat some.) You unscrew your canteen, but realize you forgot to fill it up. You look at the muddy water. What do you do?
  6. You look around at your surroundings. You are in the open, and it is almost dark. Do you need to build a shelter?
  7. No matter what you chose, your instincts tell you to build a shelter. What materials do you choose?
  8. You shelter is built! It is complete dark now, and you need to build a fire. How do you arrange the wood to have a fire that will last the entire night?
  9. Your eyes start to droop. Is it safe to fall asleep?
  10. Suddenly, a droning noise wakes you up out of your half-sleep. What do you do?
  11. Do you think you survived?

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