Surivive a Zombie Apocalypse

This quiz is about trying to survive a zombie apocalypse.choose your weapons and decide how you will survive. this is is are nut monkey cheese cow squ

super caliber elastic squirrel im extremely bored and im making up words cause this thing doesnt except gibberish or some stupid s---. oh my god im so bored

Created by: secret

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your in ur house and on the news there is a zombie invasion> what do u do?
  2. Do you have any weapons in ur house?
  3. You find yourself out of food what do you do?
  4. you get bit what do you do
  5. you hear of a safe zone in a military base what do you do
  6. you leave your house but there are zombies everywhere what do you do?
  7. you find yourself out of gas where do you go
  8. you decide to got to the city and the base is on the other side how will u travel?
  9. you find yourself between the base and 3 buildings you cant get to the base yet cause there are too many zombies and its dark what do you do?
  10. as you go to the building and open the back door how will u enter
  11. its morning time to go to the base how will u go?
  12. u get to the base how do you approach?
  13. you come inside and have to decide a job what do you do?

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