Super Power Quiz

Have you ever wondered whar your superpower will be? Well wonder no more because this quiz has the answers. What ever result you get would for sure be your power if you had one, (you have no way to verify this so just take my word for it)

So step right up and answer these twelve questions that will test your morals and judge your character values with things like: Whether you prefer odds or evens, would you shoot it?, would you shoot it again?, and several questions with food as one of the answers.

Created by: Ella

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. When you wake up in the morning you?
  2. When you're at a party you?
  3. When you see an animal in your backyard ruining your garden you
  4. What do you do in your freetime?
  5. What do you normally think about?
  6. What's your worst fear?
  7. Evens or odds
  8. Day or Night?
  9. The animal from earlier came back, you?
  10. What superpower do you wish you have?

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