Stupid Quiz (i bet you cant do it)

Can you take it? Do you think your enough good for this? do you think your not stupid? come try this, and no, intelligence doesnt affect score!!!!!!!!!

And i bet you, that ya, cant take it, i bet that ya brain will make you stupid, 99% of the population didnt reach that isnt stupid, that is below 10% of stupid. NO ONE YET. Make your best, if you do it, tell on comments

Created by: realmaster42

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  1. GTA V
  2. Create a Question ------------------ FAIL ------------------ Oh yea! yea failed!
  3. Sphere
  5. Do i like Cookehs?
  6. We've got hearts, strong as horses.
  7. Lucky quest
  8. Windows popup comes on: ------------------ WINDOWS --- X (n)- ------------------ You've been atacked by Mwhahabhdsan4e5q2n32qb5 ------------------ OPTIONS BELOW:
  9. Imaginate your in a mountain and you're gonna jump, but first you say:
  10. 11. [edit]
  11. Stupid quiz available again :D
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