Strange Love: Introductions

I'm making my first series! And by now you kno it's called Strange Love. It was gonna be Strangled from Above but that sounded evil! Well, there are only 4 possible out comes at the moment.

But, if you want more, put a describe a character under comments. And it might end up being in the happily ever after! Jk. I don't think this is gonna have a happy ending. Love, Ally

Created by: EmoGirMonkey
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Jared- Has warm, amber eyes and dirty blonde hair that covers one and a half of his eyes. He is the cute, mysterious twin of Jake. When you first meet him he'll seem shy and quiet. But, if he gets to know and like you, he'll open up and trust you. But Beware: Never, ever abuse this trust...Or Else.
  2. Jake- Has icey blue eyes and pitch black hair. He is the cold and cruel brother of Jared. He's rude, arrogant, and hot-headed. Or so it seems. There is so much more to him, though.Although, you should let him choose how much you kno about him.
  3. Skylar- No one knows what he looks like under his hood. (inspired by my facebook friend) Hot and reserved emo. Usually a loner, he decides to join your group of misfits. While he can be cruler than Jake, he can also have the bigest heart.
  4. Kyle- Look changes by mood. He's very confusing to you. You don't understand him very well. He's nice to everyone but you. Around you he's. . .well. . . You'll find out.
  5. Do you think this is gonna be a cool series?
  6. Do you believe in ghosts?
  7. OMG!!!!!!!!! It's LADY GAGA!!!!
  8. Want sum pie?
  9. Rawr!
  10. Will you continue and come back of Strange Love: Part One?

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