Stop. ((Part 2))

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Well, here's Part 2 of the "Stop." Series. I hope this is as good as Part 1, but I highly doubt it is. What do you think? If your reading this, your awesome because nobody ever reads these!!

Well, I said everything in my first paragraph! So, I guess read it again maybe? I don't know! But enjoy part 2 out of 10! I don't know what I was thinking when I made this!

Created by: SunnyDay
  1. "Where?" I said, confused.
  2. "With the light"
  3. "Why?"
  4. "Don't ya know? All helpers to ghosts go to the light. Ally Meyers came up with the idea. She's my best friend in Heaven."
  5. "I don't want to." I felt a tear forming in my eye. Then tears forming in both. I'm only 17.
  6. "Rules are rules. I could tell she felt sorry for me. "Maybe we could work something out."
  7. "But I can't go."
  8. "Ill go right now." She floated out of the car. I waited for about 10 minutes. She came back. The expression on her face was a half smile.
  9. " have to come. Ally said so. I'm so sorry..." She wanted to know my name.
  10. "Shannon. I'm 17."
  11. "I'm sorry...Shannon."

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