Sprouse Brothers

There is a lot of pople who think your now a lot about people. Well take this to find out how much you know about the sprouse brothers. Take it it will be fun! That's it I'm telling you to take it.

Do you think you can take the test. You just si down and take a few minutes take its funny and funny and if you get a good score ill put you as a winner or fan of the month.

Created by: kelly
  1. Where was the sprouse brothers born.
  2. Whos fatter?
  3. Who hot!
  4. Which movie were they in?
  5. Who had there first kiss?
  6. Who is smarter than paris hilton!
  7. Who is gonna be famus the most?
  8. Who is better actress?
  9. Who is the better at sports then britney spears?
  10. Who is sexier

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