Spongebob,or not | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Spongebob,or not.

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    Girl: am I pretty
    Boy: no
    Girl: do you want to be with me forever
    Boy; no
    Girl walks away, tears running down cheek

    Boy: your not pretty, your beautiful, I don't want to be with you forever, I NEED you foreve.

    Tonight, at midnight, someone will realise they love you, if you post this to 3 other quizzes, you will get everything you want tommorow, if not, you will have relationship problems for the next 10 years

  • Your Result: Gary

    You are Gary. You are ready to give advise, even though no one knows what your talking about! You are pretty smart. You love your friends like you would an owner, just like Gary!

    Total Spongebob!
    Mr. Krabs

    Puppy xo1

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