Spirit Animals: A new beginning

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This is the start of an adventure where your name is Alex(I haven't told you your name in the quiz yet :p) and you go on a journey where you get a spirit animal and fight the dark lord!

You start of in a forest and strange things start to happen to you. You MUST answer the questions like you would in real life, so be honest! Anyways I hope you enjoy the Spirit Animals series!

Created by: DimensionJumper
  1. You are wandering through the forest, minding your own business. When suddenly, a weird-looking, red rabbit hops in front of you. Then it hops back into the forest. You say:
  2. Then, you hear growling in the trees. You come to a stop and say:
  3. Then you hear a voice say: Come deeper into the foressssst. You think its a ghost, but you aren't sure.
  4. You are scared. But you go deeper into the forest. You think to yourself: What's going on! This is strange! So you say out loud:
  5. An animal comes out of the trees. It looks like a winged horse. You say:
  6. It comes near you. In a ghostly voice, it says: Come, we come with me. For I, will tell you everything you must know. You say:
  7. A few minutes later, it arrives. But where, you ask, well I'll don't know. Plz give me at least, I said at least, 5 stars and I will make another one. Bye!
  8. Ok just kidding, anyways, it arrives in the weirdest looking cave, EVER! It has candles all over the entrance, and it look so dark. You say:
  9. The pegasus starts to take off again. It says: You will find everything you will need to know. Farewell human, farewell. Still not knowing what's going on, you step in the cave saying:
  10. You pick up a candle, and then go ferther into the cave. You stop, and go and stop, and go. You aren't aware that somethings following you from the shadows. Well, I hope you enjoyed the first story of: Spirit Animals series! Bye!

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