
What is your animal? Are you a Cat? A Horse? A Bunny? Maybe a Wolf? Can It be posible to be a Sloth? FIND OUT BY DOING THIS RANDOMNESS QUIZ!!!!!!!!!!!

Take the quiz if you haven't already! COME ON!! COME ON!!! TAKE IT TAKE IT~! :) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Created by: Dayna
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Whats you favorite color!!!
  2. Some one is being rude to you, what do you do?
  3. You Find A Box Of Pokemon Cards, you see there REALLY CUTE Ones! You?
  4. You are walking by your crush, your crush hugs another person that you know he likes. You?
  5. Whats you favorite Food?
  6. You Got A bilion dollars, you spent it HOW??
  7. WHAT MY BROTHER JUST GOT A FREAKING PHONE AND HE'S Eight Years Old!! I don't Even Have ONE and I a Teen! WHAT THE HECK!!!!!
  8. Was the last Question Random? ( I want a phone :( )
  9. Are you Hungry?
  10. READY TO SEE THE RESULTS!!?? What Animal are you?

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