So you think you know me? Let's find out!

How well do you REALLY know me? There aren't many people out there who I consider knowledgeable enough to know most of these answers. Take this quiz and find out if you are! The first person to hit 100% will be deemed "MY OFFICIAL MYSPACE STALKER!"

How well do you REALLY know me? There aren't many people out there who I consider knowledgeable enough to know most of these answers. Take this quiz and find out if you are! The first person to hit 100% will be deemed "MY OFFICIAL MYSPACE STALKER!!"

Created by: Jonathan
  1. If you hear me say "Boushwa", what am I really saying?
  2. In what year did I move from Virginia to Alabama?
  3. What was the first car I had ever owned?
  4. I have only been to one concert tour in my life, who was the main act?
  5. If I won a million dollars, what would be the first thing I would do (for myself)?
  6. I used to work in a movie theater. Which of these movies did I NOT like?
  7. Which video game system have I NEVER owned?
  8. What was the name of my roller hockey team during my very first season (in which we won the championship)?
  9. I recently bought my first aquarium. What kind of fish do I have in there?
  10. What is my most favorite dish?

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