So you think you know Denise B?

People say they know you but don't know much about you at all. Some of those people are even your family members and folks you thought were your close friends.

So how well do you think you know me? Take this quiz to find out what you really do know and what you have no clue about at all. Good luck folks! I wish you the best!

Created by: pinkcookie1
  1. When did the light shine just a little bit brighter because I was born?
  2. What city did I grow up in?
  3. What is my dream job?
  4. What are some of my favorite foods?
  5. What are some of my sweet guilty pleasures?
  6. How old was I when I lost my father?
  7. What is my favorite color?
  8. People laugh at my...
  9. I kind of have this little problem with...
  10. My dream house would be...
  11. The place that I have been dying to visit is...
  12. When spending time with friends, I like to...
  13. How many siblings do I have?
  14. How many nieces do I have?
  15. It takes time for me to...
  16. I left Spelman College because...
  17. Steven and I have been together for...
  18. How many kids would I like to have?
  19. When I was younger, I was
  20. My mental age is
  21. If I was a celebrity, I would hang out with...
  22. I think that this dude is the TRUTH...
  23. Sometimes I worry about...
  24. I would watch these shows all day..
  25. Who is my male celeb crush?
  26. My female celeb crush is...
  27. I need to cruise in this ride as soon as possible...
  28. The cause that I care about the most is
  29. If I left Atlanta right now to live in another place, it would be...

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