Skettles or M&ms

There are many questions in this world like for excample which is the better candy skettles or m&Ms. You see me and a freind have had a big dipute on this matter and we have come up with a system o settle this and we dicided on this quiz I am writing.

If you side with me you will give every attampt to get skettles because it is true that skettles rule. But if you side with nev and you choose m&ms you will be an enemy to me and those who side with skettles. Remmber its for that fortunete man with the skettle manipululation powers who needs these votes to hold is newborn baby boy!!

Created by: pimpdadypayne

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your favorite color?
  2. Skettles or m&ms?
  3. What is your hobby?
  4. What is your reason for doing this quiz?
  5. What is your other candy?
  6. Do you want to end the war of the candies?
  7. Do you belive in rambows?
  8. Do you want the quiz to end?
  9. What are you in halo 3?
  10. Is the quiz over?
  11. Too bad

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