Should you really be on howrse?

People nowadays assume every thing so meet a quiz which does the deciding you will have to be a member of howrse to know what iam talking about!! sorry if this is a problem

tgink your an angellic player sent from heaven think not you may be a devouring demon sent strait from the fires of hell LOL try it noe one of the greatest quizzes of all time

Created by: Watkinson03
  1. how many messages do you receive every tim you log on?
  2. are your horses in a equestrian center?
  3. do you donate passes to the community donkeys?
  4. do you give objects to the less fortunate eg new players
  5. is your ranking consistant
  6. do you like the way you look
  7. Do you know Watkinson03
  8. Do you know Watkinson03 again
  9. Would you recommend howrse
  10. do you think you did well in the quiz

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Quiz topic: Should I really be on howrse?