Should you have long or short hair, boys

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There are many many men with long hair. But a lot of them are nasty rats eat with one giant split end. Don't be one of those nasty people see what you could do?

Are you good for long or short hair? Do you have what it takes to grow your hair or should you get the razor ready to cut a nasty neat on your head. Good luck!

Created by: Boyslonghair
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. For the next few questions 3-8 pretend you have mid back+ length hair. You get out of a shower how do you dry it?
  2. You have a buissness job how do you style your hair?
  3. You have a very important job interview. What do you do?
  4. Your friends want to give you a haircut. What do you say?
  5. Your going to a new school/grade/graduating. How do you style your hair?
  6. What color is your hair? This has no effect on your result.
  7. Will you take your result seriously. Ex. You get (long hair) you then decide to grow it out.
  8. Do you like long or short hair
  9. What is the longest you have ever had you hair?
  10. If you had long hair what was it like?
  11. Did this quiz help influence you decition on you hair length.

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Quiz topic: Should I have long or short hair, boys