Should You Get Fat and How Much?

There are a great variety of human figures. Some are thin and slim, others are fat and obese. Have you ever thought about gaining weight? Or maybe you really would like to gain weight? Then this quiz is for you! Enjoy it by spending a couple of minutes on it.

This quiz is aimed at people who dream or seriously want to gain weight. Therefore, there will be themes of fat fetish, feederism and weight gain. If you are not interested in this, then we do not recommend going through.

Created by: Unknown
  1. What is your current weight?
  2. What weight would you like to see on yourself in your thoughts?
  3. What weight would you like to be in real life?
  4. How much do you eat now?
  5. How much would you really like to eat?
  6. How much do you love food?
  7. If I could give you any sweet right now that you could eat entirely, what would you order?
  8. Imagine being in a place with unlimited food of all kinds. You can have a snack. How much will you eat?
  9. If there was a "gain 10 pounds and get $100" event, how long would your journey be? You start at 120 pounds.
  10. You are put in a room where you endlessly gain weight over time. How long would you stay there? You start as 120 pounds.
  11. Now there will be questions like choose one of two, but the third is not given. Would you rather be too thin or too fat?
  12. Would you rather have access to a gym or access to an unlimited supply of food?
  13. Would you rather be a skinny model for one day or be a plus size model for one day?
  14. Would you rather lose as much weight as you want or gain as much weight as you want?
  15. Well. Surely you remember that room in which you gain weight over time. Now you will get there again, but this time the changes will be displayed very accurately. You start at 120 lbs/54 kg.
  16. There is a board in the room that displays your current weight. Number 121 lb/55 kg. You still have that slim hourglass figure, nothing has changed.
  17. 125 lbs/57 kg. Your abs have become softer, although your hourglass shape is still intact. Consider that you has just softened a little.
  18. 130 lbs/ 59 kg. The abs completely disappeared, and a soft tummy appeared in its place. If you look more closely, your buttocks seem to have become a little wider.
  19. 150 lbs/ 68 kg. Your figure has become noticeably softer. Your hips have become even wider, and your ass has become very soft. It also starts to form a cute muffin top.
  20. 180 lbs/ 91 kg. You've gotten noticeably prettier. Your belly begins to stick out from under your shirt, your hips and butt become even wider, and even a small double chin forms.
  21. 250 lbs/ 113 kg. You are now classified as obese. Your belly has become even bigger and softer, your hips and ass have become much wider, and your double chin has become more noticeable.
  22. And the last decisive question. Still, what kind of figure would you like, regardless of dreams or reality?
  23. Did you like the quiz?
  24. And now you can get your result. Yay!

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Quiz topic: Should I Get Fat and How Much?
