Should YOU Get a Pixie Cut!?

Should you get a pixie cut or no?__ You're about to find out!

Take this quiz and see whether you should get a pixie cut or not. The answer is going to be revealed.

Created by: WorldWideBakery
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Hair?
  2. Eyes ( no colored contacts).
  3. Do you want a pixie cut?
  4. Color fav ( abrev, red=are orange=o ect...).
  5. Pik ah smiwi. ( pick a smily) No eff---t.
  6. Dou even like my quiz?
  7. Srry this a bad quiz, its 3:57 am srry.
  8. U forgive me for the bad quiz.
  9. Will you comment. Cuz I don't care.
  10. Age?
  11. Thanks for taking the quiz.

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Quiz topic: Should I Get a Pixie Cut!? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Hair Quiz category.