Should you date Luke Hemmings or Calum Hood

This quiz is to determine if you are soulmates with Luke Hemmings or Calum Hood. Who do you love more? Are they right for you? Will you two live happily ever after?

Calum is a sweetheart and a caring type of boyfriend. Luke is the innocent boyfriend who looks like a bad boy but isn't. Who is your soulmate? Who is right for you?

Created by: Shymaryia
  1. What is your favorite animal?
  2. What is your favorite song?
  3. Who is your favorite member?
  4. What is your favorite band?
  5. Where would you travel with Luke?
  6. Where would you travel with Calum?
  7. What is your favorite color?
  8. Would you want to start a family with Luke or Calum?
  9. Who has the best instrument solos?
  10. Could you deal with a long distance relationship?
  11. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Should I date Luke Hemmings or Calum Hood
