Short Story #1 (Twisted_Roots)

This didn't really happen, and any relation to persons living or dead is completely coincidental. Any events past or present reflected was also coincidental.

This didn't really happen, and any relation to persons living or dead is completely coincidental. Any events past or present reflected was also coincidental..

Created by: Twisted_Roots

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. A gunshot. One, single gunshot changed my whole life forever.
  2. I suppose I should start at the beginning.
  3. It was an ordinary day. The sun was shining, the air was clear, the birds were chirping, and I was driving to school. Jason Aldean was blaring on the radio, and the windows of my little blue Ford Ranger were rolled down to let the breeze flow. Fresh air tickled my face and stroked my hair, and the birds were the back-up singers for the radio. Beautiful, right? Gimme a minute.
  4. I pulled into the school parking lot and nearly ran over my boyfriend, Kanen, as he comically jumped in front of my truck. I slammed on my brakes, smacking my face into the steering wheel. Nice day ruined. He walked up and rested his chin on my door. I shot him a pained smile as I rubbed my forehead. "Morning, dearest." He grinned as he planted a kiss on my cheek. Ok, day not TOTALLY ruined.
  5. I parked my truck and Kanen helped me out, gentleman that he is. When we got into the high school, thats when the trouble started.
  6. The door to the front office was wide open, and there were no teenagers in sight. Kanen pushed me behind him protectively and entered the office in a crouch. I followed. On the other side of the desk, lay the dead secretary. A single gunshot right between the eyes. I pushed down the bile that rose in my throat and scurried to catch up with Kanen. The door to the principles office was open. Curious, I walked in. The gunman stood, back to me, gun pointed to the principles' head. Before I could blink, he pulled the trigger.
  7. The gunshot rang out and reverberated off the walls. He shot the principle. Dead.
  8. With one gunshot, he took the life of my dad.
  9. I wrote this out of pure boredom, this didn't actually happen, nor are the characters real.
  10. Lemme know what you think and if I should put more short stories on here (I'll try not to make them as depressing.)

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