Selena Gomez Ultimate Quiz

Do you think you are truly a selena gomez fan well you are nott until you take this quiz find out you IQ for selena gomez and maybe if you are an expert you will get 100%

so gonna take it and if you get below 35 that mean's you are not a proper fan so just a in a few minutes you will find out go ahead and take the ultimate selena gomez quiz dan dan daaaaan (no presure)

Created by: Sara of Selana Fans
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What Is Selena's favourite colour
  2. When is Selena's Birthday
  3. What is Selena's Favourite Subject
  4. What 2 show's does she star in
  5. Who is her Best friend
  6. Who is she Dating
  7. Who does Selena Co-Star with
  8. In 'Wizards of waverly Place' What is selena's dad's name
  9. What is one of selena's songs
  10. Why do you think you are a fan

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