Scavenger hunt! (Interactive)

Hello and welcome to this new quiz! Sadly, this is going to be my last quiz I make this summer, so I hope you enjoy it! Anyways, lets get right into it!

This is an indoor scavenger hunt for all people of all ages to take! It's interactive so hopefully you have lots of energy! Don't spend to long trying to find something, or if you know you don't have something just mark you can't find it! Have fun and good luck!

Created by: Crazy_Horse_girl
  1. Ready? First item! Find a magnet.
  2. Find something you can see though.
  3. Find a chapter book.
  4. Find a glue stick.
  5. Find something orange.
  6. Find a soda bottle.
  7. Find a plant.
  8. Find something squishy.
  9. Find a sticker. (If it's stuck to something or still usable)
  10. Find a paper clip.
  11. Find sunglasses.
  12. Find a heart cookie cutter.
  13. Find a rubber band. (hair tie will do as well:)
  14. Find a penny.
  15. Find a crayon.
  16. Find a plastic fork.
  17. Find a calculator.
  18. Find something that starts with an H. (I just realized H isn't a vowel and we say an)
  19. Find a cloths hanger.
  20. Last one! Find 5 things that you use every day.

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