Remember the future part 5 What rhymes with Death? | Comments

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  • @Missy Prissy Cat- here's my email. Maybe you can email me sometime? hallo_night@hotmail (.)com without the brackets of course!

  • @Aria

    I'm sorry to hear things aren't that great for you at the moment :( there's only one peice of advice I can give you "Every cloud has a siler lining" meaning, things probably look REALLY bad right now. But in the end, something will come around and make the pain worthwhile. I know, I know. It's corny, but I know this is true because it's happened to me. I went through some pretty tough times myself, and I cried on a daily basis. No one even took my pain seriously, they all thought I just wanted attention. Then, later in life, it ALL paid off. I won't say how exactly, but I believe that if I hadn't gone through all of the pain I wouldn't be the strong, smart, and funny girl I am today. So if it can work for me, I'm sure it could work for you... all you need is paitence and courage. I used to LARP, maybe I'll get back to it again but for now I'm busy with getting through the rest of the school year. Oh and I'll make sure to put in more Noah for you, during all of this he was figuring out how to make your organic shampoo into a non-toxic formula for glo-sticks. Heh heh, I told you you didn't want to know what he'd do with your shampoo X)

    Missy Prissy Cat
  • Don't kill me. I'm not in my best state at all, i'm not jolly or playful or full of randomness. I'm depressed, dumb and being sarcastic. I'm hardly smiling now and all my inspiration is just gone. There's only one reason I live: WTF_NINJA. I'm am extremely sorry for dumping this on you but the reason being I said above. I really can't concentrate on ANYTHING right now, my mind is in different places, my head is spinning, walls are caving in on me, i'm alone, in a cold dark place...No exaggeration. I'm by myself, my bffs are always from gotoquiz. ANYWAY! This was just completely fantastic, I can't explain it, the dream was just....xD And OMG! You LARP?! I have a LARP-ing buddy! Woohoo, um pretend you did not hear that. Thank you very much for this shoutout, I appreciate it but as my life is sinking in, I can't say much, I feel all dumb for not saying much but if you were in my situation, you'll understand the crap I'm putting up with. I still love Noah out of them all

  • @The Popolisk

    That's very true, both of them do have their faults in this argument. Especially since some do get back to old habits if circumstances call (the "desperate times call for desperate measures" saying plays on that theroy) Yet Devin is pretty harsh, so I get that side of the argument too.

    Thank you for supporting my quizzes, and yes I

    Missy Prissy Cat
  • Hi there! I'm a new thingamagummycommen termajig (because I'm lazy and didn't feel like it before, sorry. XP)

    On the Devin vs. Seth thing, I don't really blame anyone. I know an alchoholic (horrible spelling, sorry), and it doesn't matter HOW long they've been sober, it's back to the bottle eventually. So Devin pretty much did what I would. But, on the other hand, having no faith in someone in that situation doesn't really help at all, so being that harsh'll end up causing problems (and here, I am speaking from experience.)

    Anyway, as for the rest of the quizes, they're really, REALLY good! It's interesting, it doesn't move too quickly, and, most importantly, you've promised explosions!!! XD I'm looking forward to the next one, and, again, sorry if I don't comment that often- I'll try to work on that. :)


    The Popolisk
  • @singin234

    Oh yeah that makes sense because... yeah let's just say the guys have very different stories about themselves. We still haven't even scratched the surface of them, this information right now... is nothing compared to the big picture later. So I guess that makes sense, especially since they're a bit cryptic.

    Missy Prissy Cat
  • @singin234

    ding ding ding, give this girl a million dollars and a jet pack :D

    Missy Prissy Cat
  • Breath rhymes with death and so does Seth!!

  • Oh and thank you for saying I am amazing!

  • @Missy Prissy Cat

    Yeah please tell if they don't show up! It's so annoying when they don't!!! I usually pick my guys later because I want to know more about them. TheRecklessBam's quizzes, I Ended up liking none of them. But then I she made Jake. I remember I asked her if Jake was telling the truth and she said yes! But that's no my point, well I don't really know what my point is anymore. I kind of went off topic, I am really good at doing that on GTQ! I really can't wait for the next, I am still don't know who I like. In in this quiz I really want to know about there past before I pick who I like!! I know they have changed but I still need to know!

  • @singin234

    Thank you, you're amazing yourself ;) It's funny how you pick your guy later because when I pick guys, I usually pick them as soon as I meet them and end up sticking with them *shrugs* I have a pretty good intution regarding people and characters. I'll be sure to tell you if the newest quiz thing doesn't work. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. It's a little annoying but whatever, as lon as the awesome people read it, I'm good.


    Oh the limit is my weakness, I can't stop yaking XP You're VERY close on the dream thing, VERY VERY close. There's also some other things that have meaning, like the floating hallway, the slow motion, and of course the key... well the key I'll keep a secret for now. Yeah when making the dream I listened to a lot of Inception and that song fit best so I basically winged some of it while listening to the music. Yeah I can kind of see Devin as Cory... there's just an ity bity teeny weeny difference between them... Devin has way better hair XP Okay now OPINON TIME Yes I agree with you on pretty much everything. Seth is guilty and his actions will always follow him, and Devin is a bit freaked out and he doesn't have a lot of faith in Seth. They're both kind of living in the past, and that's not exactly good for anyone right now. Can't say exactly why, but you'll get it later. Oh and I don't really mind people speaking their minds on my comment page. Whether it takes two sentances or twenty comments, I couldn't care less, because in all honesty I do that A LOT myself. When I have something to say, I'll say it... that is if it's nice (I'm a firm believer in "don't have something nice to say don't say it" so... yeah I mean speaking my mind in a totally respectful way) So yeah, that's fine.

    Missy Prissy Cat
  • Okay, now my thoughts about Devin and Seth: The only thing I would fault Devin for is not having more faith in Seth, but given what happened in the past, I don't think he can be blamed for that. It's like released convicts. Once they've served their time, their record comes back to haunt them forever; even if they've turned over a new leaf. There really is no forgive and forget, people will hold them under closer scrutiny than others, watching for possible signs that they've returned to their old selves (ex. sexual predators, murderers, thieves, etc.) I'm not saying that's a good thing, in fact, I wish there were more people willing to forgive (not forget because it's impossible to develop relationships/opini ons on people without remembering things that they've done) but it happens. Devin's opinion on Seth is forever altered by Seth's past actions, and, though Seth may be very sorry for what he's done, the truth is that he's done it and has the capacity to do it again (though I doubt he will, but that's the reality of it as I see it)

    I kind of want to say more, but I'll restrain myself for fear of overtaking your comments page XD

  • Darn 2,000 character limit >.<
    Seth, ay caramba!

    I just watched Inception the other day o.o whoa... this dream is intense... and so good. *ponders the symbol of the clock, the light, and the significance of the water* Well the light is a goal of some sort... maybe some eluding information? The clock is time... Time trying to kill me can be taken as either the deadly nature of my powers or that time is against me (whether it be that my past life or the future will work against me or I'm running out of time). I'm not sure about the water; maybe the overwhelmness of being the person with the power to control time? Just my thoughts on the dream and random conjectures :) Okay, action is over, must remember to breathe... oh and let go of the table :P

    Aww Carol, yes, it's okay, I do worse in gym XD when I used to have to do fitness tests with 1-mile run, stretching, sit-ups, and pull-ups, I went on the lower end for running and sit-ups and completely failed the other two (0 for both) oh, got to get back on topic. LOL Devin, and he's reading my story, so I automatically forgive him for whatever he's done ;P (nah, let me see what he's actually done first *reads*) Okay, opinion on that could be a bit so I'll put that in the next comment and just continue on Devin. He reminds me of Cory (from my story) XD Me gusta su personalidad, ay, que gracioso. LOL Carol! *raises eyebrow* Es un beso apasionado ;) ay, mi corazon. Por que dejas alli? DX No me gusta cliffhangers :P Sorry for the random Spanish thrown in, I'm studying for that final, and they just came to mind (means I'm studying right I guess) The blurb about criminals is also a result of studying XD in Sociology I'm studying about crime and punishment. Oh thank you for the shout-out ^^ Este parte era tan estupendo y perfecto como siempre! El seis parte, por favor, rapidemente!

  • You just had to leave it there!! Oh and thank you fo telling me is was got. I LOVED THIS PART! So much!!!! It was just amazing, your amazing yourself! No, your not amazing really. You wonderfully amazing!! I am sorry this was just so good!! Devin...I think I might be liking him as well. You just made him so fun, flirty and more relaxed than the others. Well more fun! I really am staring to like him but I don't know. I don't pick who I like until later in the story. So I can't wait for the next part!! Tell me when it's out I it doesn't show up on the new quizzes list


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