Registered on Howrse? I can tell.

Howrse is a horse site. You may breed, care, train, and feed you horses. You can enter them in competitions, buy horses, even sell them for a profit. You can even have a unicorn or pegasus!

Are YOU registered on Howrse? I know. Just answer the questions and I will tell you. I reading your mind! Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes I will find out!

Created by: tmh
  1. Which of the following is a Howrse promotion?
  2. Who is SarahKat?
  3. Which horse was the first horse on Howrse?
  4. Which horses are the ancestors of all Howrse horses?
  5. Who is Howrse's mascot?
  6. What happens when you first sign up?
  7. What is a breed on Howrse but NOT a horse, pony, pegasus, or unicorn?
  8. Who is chrissyh?
  9. This is the last question. Do you like cheese?
  10. No. This is the last question. How was this quiz?

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