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This is a random quiz, but the results are worth it. Question of this quiz: What is your favorite band and why? (Put in comments).

Do not read this its blah blah blah.

Created by: ILuvHolister

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your mood?
  2. are u having any problems?
  3. Do u like anime?
  4. Do you enjoy listening to depressing music or dance music?
  5. Are you bored?
  6. Read Love!!!!part 1 & 2 they are both by me.
  7. You should really read the results.
  8. Two more questions.
  9. No bad comments. Only nice ones or I may not continue writing my series Love.
  10. Do you think people should judge you on how you were in the past or the present?
  11. If u want to have a character in my story just put a name and description. Only guy characters.

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