Randomishness Quiz

This is our random quiz! I hope you enjoy taking it! It's mostly made to give you a few laughs so laugh! And I will keep going because this paragraph has to be at least 150 words.

Read through all the possible answers before selecting! Have Fun! And I will keep going because this paragraph has to be at least 150 words. And going...and going...

Created by: A.J.

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. You have somehow landed yourself in jail. What do you do?
  2. You hate broccoli and don't wat to eat it. You...
  3. You visit NonDimensional and...
  4. You just got a alarm clock. You...
  5. For your birthday, you gat a set of socks. You...
  6. Hey look! A squirrel!
  7. Someone offers you a cigarette. You...
  8. You see this is the last question of this quiz. You...
  9. I made a mistake and that was not the last question of the quiz. You...
  10. You go to your favorite theme park and...

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