RANDOM!who are you?

this world is sooo random but how random are you?Are you in for some whopping random fun?do you have what it takes?are you random are you in for a world of randomness?

Beware!this quiz is irritating o'm warning you NOW so don't get silly near the end i have an eye on you. just a few words to let you know how random this quiz is:banana!!!!

Created by: not telling you!!!
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you like cheese?
  2. do you consider yourself intelligent?
  3. RANDOM!!!Pick the sentence you are bound to say soon.
  4. are you female?
  5. jhfcurgivhwkghc wiuhxwrnkbh
  6. jhfcurgivhwkghc wiuhxwrnkbh
  7. sorry about that last question,do you like my quiz?(this counts!)
  8. whitch word below rymes with:sing
  9. abcdefg:which comes after?
  10. this doesn't count.do you think i'm male or female?

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Quiz topic: RANDOM!who am I?