Puzzling Prepositions

Not everyones a pro in everything. You see people on televeision all the time because they win money in a sport. Why can't you be pro? Some do not have the ability. How about trying to be a PREPOSITIONAL PRO!

Do you think you know much about prepositions. How about prepositional phrases? If you do, you might just have what it takes to be called a PREPOSITIONAL PRO! Takes this quiz to see if you really are a pro of prepositions.

Created by: Steve
  1. What do you call the word that the preposition introduces?
  2. True or False: A sentence that uses a preposition is called a prepositional sentence.
  3. Which of the following words is not considered a preposition?
  4. True or False: Without using a preposition, a sentence does not make sense.
  5. What does a preposition put together?
  6. What can prepositions function as?
  7. True or False: The word "to" is considered a preposition.
  8. When should a sentence be considered a prepositional phrase?
  9. True or False: Saywhut.webs.com has a lot of different colors.
  10. In the examples, what color indicated the preposition?

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