UnpopularView's Profile

Joined on Oct 30, 2016
Status Level: Newbie

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UnpopularView's Recent Posts

  • "not all scotsmen, amiright?"
  • "dont exist for others validation, if you like how you look, go be happy"
  • "i dont believe leaving your friends over political views is good :("
  • "you have literally said something along the lines of not wantng to be friends with trump supporters, no way am i owning up to it"
  • "look at pretty much any liberal country where they took in large amounts of muslims, it does not go well. they literally post support for hi..."
  • "i would rather not hurt any more friendships over my political viewpoints"
  • "i made this account just to say unplopular view as i get judged hard for this kind of thing"
  • "to be clear, I am not advocating any kind of violence. but people need to recognize that muslims are quite different and many of the immigra..."
  • "muslims are some of the worst immigrants you can get. they form little syrias and what not"

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