Narrator850's Profile


Joined on May 19, 2020
Status Level: Newbie

Level-up Progress:
4-Year Club
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Narrator850's Recent Posts

  • I need some insight
    "i mean everyone is trying to find friends. especially in these times people need someone to talk to. i believe you should at least give her ..."
  • the good things thread
    "got a job recently."
  • "okay dont talk on this because im getting off and dont want to leave yall hanging here if im not on. dont want to be a dick and do that"
  • "hello?"
  • "im back again because im bored. and i like the people here so come in please and talk because, why not?"
  • "17 shot in the dark"
  • hi
    "i do care about you and im sorry this friendship has to end."
  • hi
    "you need to learn this lesson. i dont want to be friends with you but i still want you to be successful in life. dont be fake and dont let t..."
  • hi
    "you have to be real with people. the way i am on here is the way i am in real life. dont be something you are not"
  • hi
    "look i am not going to forgive you. i havent known you for 2 weeks and you already do this to me? like i cant be friends with someone like t..."
  • hi
    "well we are trying to settle what you did to me. the people on here are mostly good people we are here to help each other. not tear us down"
  • hi
    "so you will bully people that are nice to you online?"
  • hi
    "im not going to cry about it but i understand it. why did you target me?"
  • hi
    "do you think i will allow you to lie about me because of your past? yeah i have a sad backstory as well. i dont lie about people though. tha..."
  • hi
    "but i probably wont because you did it for not reason. i have done nothing to your ass to deserve this"

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