Archangel's Profile


Joined on Oct 16, 2013
Status Level: Junior

Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
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Archangel's Quizzes

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Archangel's Recent Posts

  • -adjusts his tie-
    "Mmm.., What should we do today, or tonight? (I was waiting up for you and fell asleep, sorry)"
  • The Fall
    ""I know," he whispered, "I like this." Michael knew his aunt was awake downstairs, and hoped she didn't come up."
  • The Fall
    "He smiled and let her, thinking about how well they fit together, almost petfectly."
  • -adjusts his tie-
    "Our wedding... And the honeymoon... (I'm glad you had fun. Ears ringing?)"
  • The Fall
    "Michael simply held her all night, eventually waking happily at about six, refreshed. He had slept better than he had, ever, thanks to her."
  • -adjusts his tie-
    "-Nuzzles her- I can't wait... (How was it?)"
  • Lone
    ""North of Washington DC," he said, sighing. "Three days, I think.""
  • Lone
    "James looked hurt, towards her at that. "I can just leave, go on and live, or we can work together and find you, and everyone, a cure.""
  • -adjusts his tie-
    "-smiles- I love you. (Me too. I want to see Imagine Dragons too. Did you have a normal day?)"
  • The Fall
    "Michael heard her growl, and held her tighter."
  • The Fall
    "He smiled, and fell asleep quickly. For once in a month, he slept peacefully, thanks to her."
  • The Fall
    "He smiled, and accepted the kiss, then lay back with her. Michael propped his head up on a few pillows, and pulled a light blanket over them..."
  • -adjusts his tie-
    "-starts the movie- it's okay, darling. -kisses her softly- I love it when you do that (Well, I am now jealous. I have to wait"
  • -adjusts his tie-
    "-spawns his tablet, and goes to Netflix- Have you seen Grown Ups? (What band?)"
  • The Fall
    "He nodded, "want the bed? I can sleep in my chair," he offered, even though he, and he suspected she did too, wanted to stay together."

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