Alyssa2402's Profile


Joined on Aug 23, 2014
Status Level: Newbie

Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
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Alyssa2402's Recent Posts

  • Soap with me?
    "(actually sorry gtg but I'll be on tomorrow afternoon)"
  • Soap with me?
    "i'm back"
  • Soap with me?
    "(my computer slow didnt get that msg till after i sent other)"
  • Soap with me?
    ""Yeah well its not everyday you catch someone who was falling out of a tree" she said with a small smile on her face. (sorry "
  • Soap with me?
    ""Well are you bored now?" She asked while a huge grin spread across her face"
  • Soap with me?
    ""Oh, makes sense... So what are you doing in the woods?" she asked"
  • Soap with me?
    ""Flip? How did you get that nickname?" She said trying not to stare..."
  • Soap with me?
    ""Erica, but you can call me Air if you want, whats your name?" She couldnt help but smile back"
  • Soap with me?
    ""Uh... Thanks" she stuttered. "I guess... maybe i did need your help" she said starting to blush"
  • Soap with me?
    ""No it's fine i got it" i said, and then the branch broke"
  • Soap with me?
    "Erica looked down and almost let go of the branch she was holding when she saw him. "Hey" she says dangling from the branch."
  • Soap with me?
  • Soap with me?
    "What do you want me to do!?!?"
  • Soap with me?
    "blue thats my intro, we starting?"
  • Soap with me?
    "okay i'm out in the woods and i'm trying to climb a tree (lamest intro ever!)"

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