
think you are a true animal jammer take this quiz and find out if you are a real animal jammer . These questions will ask about how rare is something and ya some are not serious

In just a few minutes you will find out if you are a true jammer if you are a true animal jammer or not.Will you pass or will you be a true animal jammer?

Created by: prettyinpurple1
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is a top hat?
  2. How much are spike collars worth these days?
  4. Sorry of topic :D do you know what a skully is?
  5. Why were they deleted?
  6. Is there a chicken somewere in jamma
  7. Are nm swords worth a spike
  8. do you know who julian2 is?
  9. Do you think you are a true ajer (animal jammer)
  10. Are you exited

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