Pokemon Quiz! (Games Only)

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Pokémon is a really fun video game series that revolves around the player (YOU!) becoming the "very best like no one ever was." How much do you know about Pokémon?

Whether you consider yourself to be a Pokémon master/expert, or a person casually plays, this quiz can help you find out just how deep your knowledge of Pokémon is!

Created by: ViStands4Vice
  1. Okay, let's start out easy! Which of these is not an original Pokémon starter?
  2. Which of these requires the highest level to evolve?
  3. Which of these Pokémon is genderless?
  4. What is the heaviest Pokémon of them all?
  5. Who was the Pokémon League champion on Pokémon Emerald version?
  6. Which Pokémon has absolutely no weakness?
  7. Fill in the blank: When ____ enters a room, it becomes increasingly cold, sending chills up and down the spine.
  8. Which Pokémon would statistically benefit most from an Adamant nature?
  9. Which of these Pokémon has quite a temper, and is specifically said to despise bullies?
  10. What Pokémon has the cruelest heart of all the other Pokémon?
  11. Which character has made an appearance in every game's story during and after the fourth generation of Pokémon?
  12. Last question...What did you think of this quiz? (Will not affect your score.)

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