Please help me!!

I seriously need some help, if you don't appreciate drama then I am warning you don't take this quiz!! Please comment and tell me what I should do....

I am very very very sorry since I am really wasting your time by asking you to take this quiz, but I seriously need help, and need to let this out. Thanks!!

Created by: purplediamond

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. I know these two people, boy and girl, who were really in love, you could see it when they were with each other, and they were perfect for each other.
  2. So the girl gets asked out by this popular boy at my school, who is a total player, and she accepts.
  3. And she tells the boy that she liked that if he ever annoys her again she will get her new boyfriend to beat him up. And she will avoid him at all costs, and throw dirty faces at him.
  4. So now the boy,who the girl liked previously, who is my friend is telling me all his plans to annoy this girl... and I don't want to get involved..
  5. Also I have been assigned a seat in a class next to the new boyfriend/total player and he was talking to me, and the girl was making faces at me..
  6. The worst part is that girl used to be kind and awesome, and she was my friend, now she is a totally different person..
  7. I forgot to put this in before but when this girl told the boy she previously liked to stay away he almost started crying!
  8. So now this girl has started a war between her and the boy that she previously liked...
  9. Please comment and tell me what I should do... I don't want to get involved..
  10. last question...

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