Phylum Annelida

Take this quiz to learn about the common earthworm and test your knowledge. The questions are pretty simple so go in and try to see how much you know about an earthworm

This quiz will help you know specific information about the phylum, Annelida, and more specifically the earthworm. Test your knowledge here to see how much you know.

Created by: Lucinda Combs
  1. Which of these is not a characteristic of the Animal Kingdom?
  2. What is a characteristic of this phylum?
  3. Where is the clitellum located?
  4. Where are the hearts?
  5. Which of the following is a dissection tool?
  6. Is the mouth of the worm located at the head or the anus?
  7. True or False: Earthworms are segmented.
  8. Complete the following term: Dorsal______ _______
  9. What is a scalpel?
  10. What is the first step when beginning to dissect your earthworm?

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