personality quiz..

are you tired of thinking that your no good for people?? well take this quiz and see how popular you are and see how you can improve or find out if your doing too much and do something about it!!

im sure you have had many different comments from people, but with this quiz you can find out if u are really popular or if people just feel sorry for you...

Created by: katy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. do you suffer from any illnesses that other people know about??
  2. do you take drugs, smoke, or drink?
  3. if yes to the last question, do you brag about it?
  4. the next lot of answers are about friendship (still to do with the quiz) is that ok??
  5. how many mates do u have??
  6. do you always hang with your mates?
  7. do you only hang around with one of your mates?
  8. if yes to q9 is that person your best friend??
  9. is this the last question?
  10. if no then are you stupid?

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