paranormal me part 2

i hope you have enjoyed the story for know. thank you so so so so much for reading my story.this is my first story so i dont know if it is good or not! so bye for knwo

i think i can give the next part as soon as i can. part 1-2 came in to just one day!!!! i dont know what to say . so bye for now! i should go to bed as fastley as i can

Created by: coolava

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. finally, the door rang.u went fast as u can to the door. as u guessed it was Bryan. u opened the door and said " hi! come in." " hi _____ .ok thanks." Bryan walked in as the guys come near to u. " Bryan these are my friends. we live togethor in this mansion. this is Nick,Criss and Adam. and u know Maria." they all said hi to Bryan and introduce them selfs to Bryan.then it was silence when Bryan broked it and said" _____ u said ur going to show me something." " oh... yes. just wait a second i want to talk with the guys . just a minute." u winked at the guys and they folowed u in the kitchen. u started talking" nick i want u to use ur flying power. Criss u use ur teleporthing power. and adam u use ur water control power. oh and guys change in to ur paranormal forms.
  2. then u all went back to Bryan.he was sitting in the couch and watching around. u said" Bryan. i know u have find out somethings about me. i should tell u that we are paranormal." Bryan looked so wierd. he was kind of so surprised!! then all the boys changed in to their paranormal forms. bryan breaked the silence and said" woowowowo! i ..i just cant believe this! u changed in to a .... a angel!!! " " well bryan i want u to keep this as a secret. no one should find out that we have powers.and i want u to know something important . i want to give some powers to u . so u can protect ur sister.she is paranormal too. she just dont know about it." bryan nodded and closed his eyes. he was kind of sooooo surprised. he didnt believe it. i mean his sister is paranormal too.
  3. u sat next to him. u huged him tightly. " Bryan. dont worry about anything. everything is just going to be fine." he looked at u and gave a hug." but ______ there is a big problem. my mom is dead and my dad is drunked. and me and emma live at daniels house.and he asked us if we can go tomorrow. i think we are going to go to a hotel. and in the hotel we arent alone. there are 4 other people who will live with us." " bryan. i was going to tell u this before. after u get a paranormal u should live in this mansion for safety" a smile was on Bryan 's face.
  4. adam finally broke the silence and said" well Bryan i will send someone to take emma and ur things to here.dont worry bro. " u all came for a group hug.then nick said" lets play hide and seek"u all nodded." bryan let me show u ur room." u said.
  5. "well this room is mine. and tonight u should sleep here. couse i have the biggest room. but if u want emme can stay here with u and if not he can go with adam and have so much fun couse adam is a kid too." u both laughed." well i will be happy to be alone with u. Emma can stay with adam. "
  6. u went out with bryan and started playing hide and seek with the guys. they were all good hiders. so they told u that u are the seeker. as usuall! u counted till 30 and went to find the guys. first u found adam that was on the lamp. then criss that was in the fridge with nick and then bryan under the couch with a flower to give u. u thanked him and then it was bryans turn to count. u go on and on till u were all tired and u wanted to go to bed. acctually everybody exept nick that was watching dark shadows. u all had watch that but nick was super crazy.
  7. well i forgot to tell u about emma. emma came into the mansion when u were playing hide and seek. adam told everything to her and showed the powers to her. brayn came with u to ur room. u went to bed with bryan. bryan hugged u tightly and said" i never was this much happy in my life!" he winked at u. " me too. i mean i have passed different situations in my life. acctually i lost all of my world. my parents and my friends all died becouse of me! i guess finally i have saved u and emmas life!"he kissed u on ur chick.u kissed him back.he put his arms around u. and u both fall asleep togethor
  8. CLIFFHANGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sorry i know it wasnt a good time to stop the story but i should go to bed too! so see u
  9. so who did u like the best??
  10. so i should right another question. will u rate or comment

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