Paper Mario TTYD Quiz

You like Paper Mario the Thousand Year Door? You know a lot about it? This short test will test your ability to recall facts about the game.

Do you know a lot about paper Mario TTYD? WELL, DO YOU?!? DO YOU?!? I sure hope you do, cause this is a really simple test... Get your knowledge of Paper Mario ready.

Created by: marc
  1. What item is Goombella's?
  2. Who of the following persons isn't a boss?
  3. What is the second world?
  4. What is the first chapter called?
  5. Is Bowser a playable character?
  6. Do you battle a Boss blooper in this game?
  7. Where is a lot of backtracking involved?
  8. Bood or Bad? Magnus von grapple, mr L, bowser.

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