OUAT: Peter Pan

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So, you think you know me? My name is Peter Pan. Just for your information. You have no need to know anything else about me so don't bother asking me.

Do you really know me? Are you sure? Like really sure? Cause I don't think you do. Well, take this quiz and find out whether or not you know who I am.

Created by: Peter_PanOUAT
  1. Who am I?
  2. Who is my son?
  3. Why do I need Henry?
  4. Am I a lost boy?
  5. Why did I give my son up?
  6. What's my real name?
  7. The following is simple questions about the others. Even though I am more important.
  8. Who is Emma?
  9. Did Hook/Killian have a brother?
  10. What season of OUAT am I shown in?

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