Other Country Quiz

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"How smart are you? there may be many people who are a geniuses, but I can't just tell just like that,I can only tell when they take this quiz. will you take this quiz?"

"Please play this game and find out what kind of a genius you are. This quiz is about countries, do you know their languages? do you know their Capital cities? do you know there foods? Please take this quiz now."

Created by: Hairywand

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. (Mexico) The Mexican cuisine has a wide variety of.....
  2. (Mexico) Mexico's population is about....
  3. (Mexico)The North-Pacific coast grows more fruit and vegetables; True or false?
  4. (Japan) The Japanese are famous for their..
  5. (Japan) "Hello"
  6. (Japan) what is the Capital of Japan?
  7. (Hawaii) What is the Capital of Hawaii?
  8. (Hawaii) How do you say hello in Hawaii?
  9. (Hawaii) How do you say fun in Hawaii?
  10. The world's longest island chain, the Hawaii Islands, is 1,523 miles long. True or false?

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