OMG!!Beach party!:)

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OMG quize #um... Oh5!yesss!I hope this gets as many people in one day as lol!!date night. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I'm filled with so much cheeer.I love my fans. Like you!

And if you aren't ......:(*tear*was it because of the would I date you one? Or do you not know me? I would love a comment from you.*pointing at you*you especially.

Created by: feather dragon NT

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Yay another quiz! I love them don't you? Can you swim well?
  2. Would you kiss a stranger if they were hot?*smiles*
  3. Do you want to see your crush shirtless?(me:uh.yeah.)
  4. Do you want to see your crush shirtless?(me:uh.yeah.)
  5. You enjoying this quiz?
  6. Would you party with someone cool?
  7. Why do you wait so looonng to answer?
  8. Are you fun at a party?
  9. Will you leave a comment if you can to say any advice, tips, concerns, likes, or if I should make a sequel?
  10. All right I think its the end.I have a couple other quizzes.Wigs of fire fans take this, lol!!date night, what wings of fire( my oc's) character are you, and I don't remember the other one if there is.oh! And would I date you.

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