newleaf warrior names

What warrior clan are you in? Or are you in a clan at all? Take the quiz and find out! After all, you never know until you try... right? It's just for fun, but might help in deciding your character!

Thunder, Shadow, Wind, River, Blood, and ... what? It is up to you to create the best character out there, but wouldn't it be best to have one just like you?

Created by: Kel
  1. Following the rules is of utmost importance, no matter the situation.
  2. You love decorations and how they catch your eye.
  3. You like to go fast and feel the wind in your fur.
  4. If someone was accused unfairly, you would defend them.
  5. You would consider yourself the "loner" type.
  6. If you try and fail, try again!
  7. You love swimming and being around water!
  8. Your favorite time of day is when the sun goes down.
  9. If you get to the freshkill pile first, too bad for everyone else.
  10. You can sneak up on other pretty easily.

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