MY SHOUT OUTS!~ Sugercube

PLEASE READ THIS FIRST. VERY IMPORTANT. I may leave very soon. Most likely, by the end of summer. I love you guys and all, but real life comes first.

And I need to get back to that. Sorry, but my dad doesn't really like social sites much, and I'm failing three classes. Eh, I'll stick around for as long as I can.

Created by: SugerCube
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Picking a random person... Sweetbunny408! You were one of the first people on here that I talked to. You almost always have something funny to say, and I like that. You're a really kind person. Sadly, you don't get on much anymore. Anyways, thank you~
  2. Um, next...Anri Hyuga! Heh, I don't really know what to say, other than you're a great friend, and such. You seem to hold yourself at a lower standard than you should. Keep your head up, Princess Anri~
  3. Lets see...Rose! (Rvelez) Oh god, I need like half a page...You where one of the first to not completely ignore me. You're an awesome roleplayer, soaper, and friend. I'm so glad that I barged into the middle of one of your roleplays. Otherwise, I would have never know of your awesomeness.
  4. Okey...CAT-GIRLY! (Dark22978) First off, I have to thank you for being a damn awesome Cat-girly. You're such a good friend, and in the short time that I've known you, I've learned that you're one heck of a kid. You would fit right in with my mini seven. Kathryn would love your hair.
  5. Just because he should be in everyones shout outs...The Geek. 'Cuz he's a badass troll. 'Nuff said, I think.
  6. Mcqueen. Nice kid, never mean to anyone. I thank you for that. You're always the last to judge a person, and you forgive easily. For that, I envy you.
  7. LoneShadowWolf(Lone)! Even though you don't get on as much anymore, I feel like you belong here. I dunno why.
  8. Jill. (LetsBeFriends) Eh, you can be annoying as hell, but you are kinda nice and shiz. So here. -.-
  9. Deathstar321! Because if I left you out, what kind of almost-a-sister would I be?
  10. Nightstalker Six/Agent 52 I enjoy soaping with you, and talking with you. I know you're taking a break, but hopefully you'll see this when you get back.
  11. I would just like to say thanks again to everyone. So, I think thats all.

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