Money Problems (1)

Try this quiz, it tests you on your maths knowledge and mathematics skills. Questions like No.3 could be tricky, so put it down on paper, the last few questions are easy, so you can solve them right away .

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Created by: Delu
  1. Greg currently has €3.30. He makes €6.00 every 12 hours. How much money will he have in a fortnight?
  2. Jenny sold 3 mackerel, each for the price of €2.40. Matilda sold 8 herring, each for the price of €0.72. Who had earned the most?
  3. Wendy currently has €70.00, and makes €5.00 every week, but has to pay the landlord €13.00 every month. She spends €19.90 every fortnight. How much would she have in four weeks? (One month, 30 days)
  4. Harry won €487 on Monday, and spent €33. He won €233, and spent €86. How much does he have?
  5. Joseph sold 3 plaice for the price of €36.03. How much do you think one plaice would have costed?
  6. Eoin shops at "Molly's Market" everyday. He bought a carton of Fat-Free Milk (€7.89), a packet of pancakes (€9.99), and two "Barry's Burger Buns" (€5.99 each). How much did he spend?
  7. Look at Question No. 2. How much did Matilda make?
  8. Mark bought 3 "Funky Fish Fingers" for €9.00. How much do you think 1 would cost?
  9. Emily has €99.50. She wins €347 at a casino, and earns €50 working. How much does she have now?
  10. Look at Question No.1. How much would Greg earn in 2 days?

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