Miraculous Ladybug Quiz

Hello everyone! This is a quiz about my favorite show, Miraculous Ladybug. These question may not be the best to tell whether you're a true fan but it's what I came up with

This quiz took me a long time to make, so I really hope you enjoy it! Please tell me how I did in the comments. Also, please tell me your favorite episode and character!

Created by: Caitlyn
  1. Let's start of with a very easy question that everyone should know. Who is the main character and what is her name?
  2. How old is the main character?
  3. What is the name of the school that the main character and her friends go to?
  4. What is ladybug's kwami's name?
  5. What is chat noir's kwami's name?
  6. Now that you know the basics, I'll be asking questions about specific episodes. ( this question won't effect your score )
  7. In "Stormy weather," what was the girl who got akumatized name?
  8. In "Oblivio," how do they find out what their names are?
  9. In "Bakerix," what was the villain's civilian name?
  10. In "Pixelator," who is the guess that visited the hotel that initially got the villain akumatized?
  11. Now that you've answered questions, you will finally be answering questions about specific characters. (again, this question won't affect your score.)
  12. What is the name of the boy Marinette is crushing on?
  13. What is Marinette's aspiration? In other words, what does she want to be later in life?
  14. What is Adrien's biggest obstacle in life?
  15. Who does Adrien see as 'just a friend', even though he treats them like no one else?
  16. What is Alya's biggest time-consuming passion?
  17. What is Chloe's biggest setback as far personality the ability to become her friend?
  18. And lastly, what is Lila known for, and how does that make her a good ally for hawk moth.
  19. Thank you for taking my quiz! Do you think you're a true fan?

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