Mine craft quiz

congrats on being smart enough to find this quiz! this mine craft quiz will test your smarts on the best little pixel game ever! ssSssS BOOM read more :) (pls)

are YOU up to the challenge? Will your score be grass hopper... or sensi... you will choose as you will be tested in 12 questions to the brink of craft INSANTITY

Created by: creeper lover
  1. Who created mine craft
  2. Ender men have the power to hold blocks and
  3. you create a cake using wheat, an egg and
  4. flowers come in how many colors?
  5. how many wood planks does one log yield
  6. does a creeper burn in sunlight
  7. what do some people call gold
  8. mine craft does not exist on
  9. when a creeper is killed by a/an ____ it might drop a/an _____
  10. if a total minecraft nerd made a mistake on a MC quiz, would you...

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