Mindboggling Quiz ;)

Good Day young chap. I just got back from engaging in recreation with some important life saving statistics. My cat is a fat, lazy, bum. Nate-the-great better get a good old fashioned homer simpson.

So the only question left now is are you ready. For awesomeness! Somebody once told me the world is gonna row me. I'm not the smartest tool in the shed.

Created by: dales#1fan
  1. What do you do most everyday?
  2. What is ur future job?
  3. Click the right amswer.
  4. What's your favorite comic?
  5. How much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
  6. I'm thinking of a # 1-6.
  7. I ate 4 bananas. How many Burgers did I order?
  8. What is hello in Mandarin?
  9. I farted 6 times. How many fries were in my McDonalds bag.
  10. Hi.

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