mental illness test

djke jked ejknd ? beouqq jkn i hqhbe , jenbuo ekpqonn . joenjnnf, jfniwon fjkfowpdmnufn jefowql nf, jfnof. ijwie ! jfoiwmf krkfiernmf jkrf.lksfmjiomf kdsw.

ejnfi , feijfen knwedjie n ejfnow f? efoij ef j! eknfore gjo, fojforin. idfjirn ejeiip 122 eoifjne j 10 jflf . jlfnen? kejiern jlwpofjn 10 ljifn 1 jwofn.

Created by: meera
  1. occurs when an arm seems to have a mind of its own.
  2. someone who speaks their native language as if they had a foregin accent
  3. The illusion of doubles , mididentification.
  4. dissociative experiences,confusion,and even hallucinations when an individual is exposed to art.
  5. its when a victim shows signs of symapthy, loyalty, or even voluntry compliance with the victimizer, regardless the risk to the victim.
  6. a neurologic condition in which a patient's sense of body image, space, and/or time are distorted.
  7. the affected person holds the delusional belief that he/she is already dead, does not exist, is putrefying or has lost his/her bloor or internal organs.
  8. experiencing a mental breakdown while visiting the famous French capital.
  9. when a person believes himself to be a cow or an ox.
  10. The condition of eating yourself, or parts of yourself.
  11. people experiencing seizure upon hearing the voice of Mary Hart.
  12. people who are deluded into thinking that someone of much higher status that themselves is in love with them.

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